Burns and Allen sound clips

Burns and Allen (1950-1958)

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Wav (177k)Mp3 (134k)Ogg (72k)
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Bill Goodwin:"Well I had an accident, a terrible accident. This girl might be dying. I gotta get her to a hospital."
George:"This girl?"
Bill Goodwin:"Yeah. Oh it was terrible George. Wasn't it Miss Jones?"
Miss Jones:"Yeah."
Wav (118k)Mp3 (91k)Ogg (50k)
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Gracie:"There was one poor little boy sitting all by himself, and he looked so sad. So I brought him around and made everybody shake hands with him."
George:"And that made him feel better?"
Gracie:"Well he almost forgot he had the measeles."
Wav (77k)Mp3 (61k)Ogg (35k)
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Gracie:"I just said to my husband this morning, 'if they don't do something to cut down the high cost of living, we'll just have to get along without it'."
Wav (85k)Mp3 (67k)Ogg (37k)
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Gracie:"And he said to me, 'Well Gracie, here's to your health. Let's drink, bottoms up'."
Gracie:"Well, isn't that kind of an awkward position?"
Wav (52k)Mp3 (43k)Ogg (25k)
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Gracie:"Well George Burns! I'm so mad at you, I don't think I'll ever talk to you again!"
Wav (71k)Mp3 (57k)Ogg (32k)
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George:"I'll tell ya something about plot, but don't tell this to Ed Sullivan or Eddie Cantor. It's cheaper then guest stars."
Wav (61k)Mp3 (50k)Ogg (28k)
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Gracie:"But the minute I got into the doctor's office, I knew he was no good."
George:"You knew he was a bad doctor?"
Gracie:"Yeah, all his patients were sick."
Wav (37k)Mp3 (32k)Ogg (18k)
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Tax Man:"Are you Mrs. Burns?"
Gracie:"Yes, Mr. Burns is much taller."
Wav (132k)Mp3 (101k)Ogg (56k)
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Gracie:"Nobody is going to ride in the car!"
Gracie:"Because its dangerous."
Gracie:"Why sure! Everyday you read about some car hitting a pedestrian. We're gonna walk."