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Johnny Depp (Born Jun 9th 1963)
Acclaimed American actor who is widely regarded as one of the most versatile performers in the history of cinema. His best known films include the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland.
Sound clips from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Willy Wonka:"No... maybe... I don't know. But thats what you get from chewing gum all day. It's just disgusting."
Mike:"If you hate gum so much, why do you make it?"
Willy Wonka:"Once again you really shouldn't mumble because its kinda starting to bum me out."
Willy Wonka:"Yeah. Consider that a bonus!"
Willy Wonka:"I can see that. So do I. I never expected to have so much in common."
Willy Wonka:"Oh... I don't care."
Violet:"Well, you should care because I'm the girl who's gonna win the special prize at the end."
Willy Wonka:"Well, you do seem confident and confidence is key."
Willy Wonka:"That pipe? It just so happens to lead directly to the room where I make the most delicious kind of strawberry flavored chocolate-coated fudge."
Mrs. Gloop:"Then he will be made into strawberry flavored chocolate-coated fudge? They'll be selling him by the pound all over the world?!"
Willy Wonka:"No, I wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible. Can you imagine Augustus flavored chocolate-coated Gloop? Eww. No one would buy it."
Charlie:"You can eat the grass?"
Willy Wonka:"Of course you can't. Everything in this room is edible, even I'm edible, but that is called cannibalism my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies."
Mike:"Who wants a beard?"
Willy Wonka:"Well, beatniks for one, folk singers and motorbike riders. You know. All those hip, jazzy, super cool, neat, keen, and groovy cats. It's in the fridge, daddy-o! Are you hip to the jive? Can you dig what I'm laying down? I knew that you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother!"
Willy Wonka:"To lock in moisture."
Grandpa 2:"None taken... jerk."
Willy Wonka:"Oh thank you. You smell like... old people... and soap."
Veruca Salt:"Then shouldn't you be up there?"
Willy Wonka:"Well I couldn't very well watch the show from up there now could I little girl."
Mr. Teavee:"Taffy puller?!"
Willy Wonka:"Hey that was my idea... Boy is he gonna be skinny."
Willy Wonka:"I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot."
Willy Wonka:"Were you one of those despicable spies who everyday tried to steal my life's work and sell it to those parasitic copy-cat candy-making cads?"
Grandpa Joe:"No, sir."
Willy Wonka:"Then wonderful, welcome back."
Sound clips from Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End (2007)
Captain Barbossa:"Belay that or we'll be a sitting duck!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Belay that belay that!"
Mr Gibbs:"But Captain!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Belay! Belay! Stow! Stow! Shut it!"
Mr Gibbs:"The ship? We're on the ship. Jack! The ship's gone!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Really?!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"That doesn't sound like me."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Thank goodness for that, because if I wasn't, this would probably never work."
Captain Barbossa:"It's our only hope lad."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Thats a sad commentary in and of itself."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Have not."
Captain Barbossa:"You have so."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Have not."
Captain Barbossa:"You have so!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Have not!"
Captain Barbossa:"You have so and you know it!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Have not! Slander and calumny! I have only ever embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions. I submit that here now, that is what we all must do. We must fight, to run away."
Giselle:"Is that it?"
Scarlett:"The Black Pearl?"
Giselle:"It's not very big."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Love, that is a dinghy. My vessel is magnificent and fierce and huge-ish. And gone. Why is it gone?"
Giselle:"Is that it there?"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Yes there it is! Why is it there? It's much larger up close."
Will Turner:"No."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Well then you wouldn't be here would you? So you can't be here. Q.E.D. You're not really here."
Mr Gibbs:"Aye."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"I once sailed with a geezer that lost both his arms and part of his eye."
Mr Gibbs:"What did you call him?"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Larry."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Trim that sail!"
Captain Barbossa:"Slack windward brace and sheet!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Slack windward brace and sheet!"
Captain Barbossa:"Haul the pennant line!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Haul the pennant line!"
Captain Barbossa:"What are you doing?"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"What are you doing?!"
Captain Barbossa:"No, what are you doing?!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"What are you doing?!"
Captain Barbossa:"No, what are you doing?!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"What are you doing?! Captain gives orders on the ship!"
Captain Barbossa:"The Captain of the ship is giving orders!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"My ship, makes me Captain."
Captain Barbossa:"They be my charts!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Well that makes you chartman!"
Sound clips from Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Ah! A heading! Set sail in a, general, uhh, that way direction!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"No! Much more better. It is a drawing of a key."
Pirate:"Keys unlock things?"
Mr Gibbs:"And whatever this key unlocks, inside there's something valuable! So we're setting out to find whatever this key unlocks!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"No! If we don't have the key, we can't open whatever we don't have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?"
Mr Gibbs:"So we're going after this key?!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"You're not making any sense at all."
Wave Splashes
Captain Jack Sparrow:"...Captain Jack Sparrow."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Yes to the first. Yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows as much as possible."
Mr Gibbs:"Captain!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"We have a need to travel upriver."
Mr Gibbs:"By 'need', do you mean a trifling need? Fleeting? As in, say, a passing fancy?"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"No, a resolute and unyielding need."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"No. You want you to find this. Because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle, ol' what's her face."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"How much do you know about Davy Jones?"
Will Turner:"Not much."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Yeah. It's gonna save Elizabeth."
Mr Gibbs:"I'll watch your back."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"It's me front I'm worried about."
Will Turner:"You know me?"
Tia Dalma:"You want to know me."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"There'll be no knowing here! We've come for help and were not leaving without it. I thought I knew you."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"I brought payment. Look, an undead monkey! Top that!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"I did not. I didn't know where the key was. But now we do. So all that's left is to climb aboard the Flying Dutchman, grab the key, and you go back to Port Royal and save your bonnie lass, eh!"
Tia Dalma:"Yes."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Is the jar of dirt going to help?"
Tia Dalma:"If you don't want it, give it back."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"No."
Tia Dalma:"Then it helps."
Will Turner:"I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"And if there are crewman?"
Will Turner:"I cut down anyone in my path."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"I like it. Simple, easy to remember."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Technically, I was only captain for two years, then I was viciously mutinied upon."
Davy Jones:"Then you were a poor captain, but a captain nonetheless! Have you not introduced yourself all these years as 'Captain Jack Sparrow'!?"
Davy Jones:"One soul is not equal to another!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Ah ha! So we've established my proposal is sound in principle, now we're just haggling over price."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Yep! I'm good with it. Shall we seal it in blood, I mean ink?"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Fortunately he was mum as the condition in which these souls need be."
Mr Gibbs:"Ah! Tortuga."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Tortuga."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"You're hired."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Come to join my crew lad? Welcome aboard!"
Elizabeth Swann:"I'm here to find the man I love."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"I'm deeply flattered son, but my first and only love is the sea."
Norrington:"You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"You smell funny."
Norrington:"Unique here having the meaning of broken."
Elizabeth Swann:"No thank you."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Why not? We are very much alike, you and I, I and you, us."
Elizabeth Swann:"Except for a sense of honor and decency and a moral center... and personal hygiene."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Trifles."
Elizabeth Swann:"You seem very certain."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"One word love, curiosity. You long for freedom. You long to do what you want to do because you want it. To act on selfish impulse. You want to see what it's like. One day you won't be able to resist."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"All evidence to the contrary."
Elizabeth Swann:"Oh I have faith in you. Want to know why?"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Do tell deary."
Elizabeth Swann:"Curiosity. You're going to want it. A chance to be admired, and gain the rewards that follow. You won't be able to resist. You're going to want to know what it tastes like."
Will Turner:"Sea turtles mate. A pair of them, strapped to my feet."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Not so easy is it."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Pretty much."
Norrington:"Oh, I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption."
Will Turner:"Be my guest."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Let us examine that claim for a moment, former Commodore, shall we? Who was it that, at the very moment you had a notorious pirate safely behind bars, saw fit to free said pirate and take your dearly beloved all to himself, eh? So whose fault is it really that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes orders from pirates?"
Jack Falls
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Got it!"
Sound clips from Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides (2011)
Sound clips from Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Captain Jack Sparrow:"No that one I deserved."
Will Turner:"I'd die for her!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Oh good. No worries then."
Will Turner:"I do! And I practice with them 3 hours a day!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"You need to find yourself a girl mate."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"But you have heard of me."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Your welcome."
Captain Barbossa:"Not you, we named the monkey Jack."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"That's the one! Parley!"
Pintel:"Parley?! Damn to the depths whatever mutton head thought of parley!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"That would be the french."
Elizabeth Swann:"Yes the rum is gone."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Why is the rum gone?!"
Elizabeth Swann:"One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels! Two! That signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire royal navy is out looking for me! Do you really think that there is even the slightest chance that they won't see it?!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"But why is the rum gone?!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"No one! He's no one. A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice though... eunuch."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"She's safe just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington just like she promised. And you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word really... except for Elizabeth who is in fact a woman."
Mister Gibbs:"He's a mute sir... poor devil had his tongue cut out. So he trained the parrot to talk for him. No ones yet figured how."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Mr Cotton's parrot... same question."
Parrot:"Wind in his sails... wind in his sails."
Mister Gibbs:"Mostly we figured that means yes."
Mr. Gibbs:"Well, I'll tell ya. He waded out into the shallows and he waited there three days and three nights. Till all manner of sea creatures became acclimated to his presence. Then on the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed 'em together and made a raft."
Will Turner:"He roped a couple of sea turtles?"
Mr. Gibbs:"Aye, sea turtles."
Will Turner:"What did he use for rope?"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Human hair. From my back."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Oh I love this song! Really bad eggs!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid."
Murtogg:"Someone has to make sure that this dock stays off-limits to civilians."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"It's a fine goal, to be sure. But it seems to me that a ship like that, makes this one here a bit superfluous, really."
Murtogg:"Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters, true enough. But there's no ship as can match the Interceptor for speed."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"I've heard of one, supposed to be very fast, nigh uncatchable... The Black Pearl."
Mullroy:"Well, there's no real ship as can match the Interceptor."
Murtogg:"The Black Pearl is a real ship."
Mullroy:"No, it's not."
Murtogg:"Yes it is, I've seen it."
Mullroy:"You've seen it?"
Mullroy:"You haven't seen it."
Murtogg:"Yes, I have."
Mullroy:"You've seen a ship with black sails that's crewed by the damned, and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?"
Murtogg:"But I have seen a ship with black sails."
Mullroy:"Oh, and no ship that's not crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black sails, therefore couldn't possibly be any other ship than the Black Pearl. Is that what you're saying?"
Mullroy:"Like I said, there's no real ship as can match the Interceptor... HEY!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"What do you say to three shillings and we forget the name."
Harbormaster:"Welcome to Port Royal Mr. Smith."
Elizabeth Swann:"You're despicable."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Sticks and stones love. I saved your life, you saved mine. We're square."
Norrington:"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Though it seems enough to condemn him."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Smith! Or smithy, if you like."
Mullroy:"What's your purpose in Port Royal, Mr. Smith?"
Murtogg:"Yeah, and no lies!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Well, then, I confess, it is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out."
Murtogg:"I said no lies!"
Mullroy:"I think he's telling the truth."
Murtogg:"If he were telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Unless, of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told it to you."
Captain Jack Sparrow:"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know. If I see one, I shall inform you immediately."
Sound clips from Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
Sweeney Todd:"He recognized me from the old days. Tried to blackmail me. Half me earnings."
Mrs. Lovett:"Oh, well that's a different matter then. For a moment there I thought you lost your marbles."
Mrs. Lovett:"What, Mr. Todd? What, Mr. Todd? What is that sound?"
Sweeney Todd:"Those crunching noises pervading the air!"
Mrs. Lovett:"Yes, Mr. Todd! Yes, Mr. Todd! Yes, all around!"
Sweeney Todd:"It's man devouring man, my dear!"
Sweeney Todd & Mrs. Lovett:"And who are we to deny it in here!"
Sweeney Todd:"No, there's no place like London."
Anthony Hope:"Mr. Todd?"
Sweeney Todd:"You are young. Life has been kind to you. You will learn."
Sound clips from The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
Imaginarium Tony 1:"Don't shoot the messenger babe."